
Middlesex Ice Control

The Benefits of Using Magic Salt

The Benefits of Using Magic Salt

The Benefits of Using Magic Salt

Our Magic Salt is one of our most popular products. It is a high-quality ice melt that saves time, money, and labor. It is also less corrosive to equipment and other things it comes in contact with. It has a lower melting point which makes it more effective than regular rock salts. Pet owners also love Magic Salt because it is less corrosive to pets’ paws. Read on to learn about the benefits of using Magic Salt.

Magic Salt is More Environmentally Friendly and Less Corrosive
Magic Salt is one of the few biodegradable ice melts out there. When compared to other rock salts, it is much less corrosive. This means it is less likely to damage steel, thresholds, carpets, concrete, or flooring. It’s actually been proven to prevent rust. It’s safe to use on concrete and will not harm curbside grass or plantings. Just remember to only use it as directed.

Magic Salt Saves Time, Labor, and Money
Magic Salt covers more area with less product use. It also reduces downtime to return to the salt pile and reload. The cost of mixing and cleanup is eliminated. Magic Salt also reduces wear and tear, rust, and improves the efficacy of the equipment. Untreated rock salts are only effective to about 18 degrees Fahrenheit and above. Magic Salt is effective to a temperature of -35 degrees Fahrenheit. This is a net gain of 53 degrees in melting temperature. Because it works faster and longer, less is used to displace an equal amount of ice or snow than any other ice melt.

Magic Salt is Pet Friendly
Magic Salt is organically based and less corrosive and irritating to the paws of pets than traditional ice melt. Even if your pet tracks it in the house, it is much less likely to damage surfaces. Magic Salt also gives off less heat than other deicers which is another reason paws can get irritated by ice melt. Pets are also less likely to lick Magic Salt as is treated with an agent that gives it a very bitter and sour taste.

How do I apply Magic Salt?
If you’re deicing your driveway or sidewalk, use 1/4 to 1/3 cup of it per yard. Unlike other rock salt products, melting will begin right away and will continue to melt longer. For the best results, always remove the snow before application. Once melting has begun, shovel off slush and reapply as needed.